ReROOT: Arrival infrastructures as sites of integration for recent newcomers

The ReROOT project is dedicated explore arrival and integration processes, with the explicit goal of fostering sustainable, evidence-based integration practices, policies and public imaginaries.

Project duration
01/04/2021 – 31/07/2025
Responsible for the project
Anna Doherty
H2020-SC6-MIGRATION-2018-2019-2020 (101004704)

Throughout its long history, Europe has drawn numerous migration movements. Its traces are often hidden and sedimented into native society. However, several actors, such as communities and religious institutions, have records and living memories of these processes or actively participate in the integration process of new migrants. The EU-funded ReROOT project will study a vast sequence of actors consisting of previous generations of migrants and natives who co-created shops as information hubs, religious sites, local labour offices and language classes. The project will explore the interactions, knowledge transfer and resources shared between first-comers and latecomers as well as established practices through the post-2015 migration arrival processes to support sustainable immigration practices and public imaginaries.


Coordinator: Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium)
Universiteit Utrecht (Netherlands)
Coventry University (United Kingdom)
Universiteit Gent (Belgium)
Menedék - Migránsokat Segítő Egyesület (Hungary)
Centre National De La Recherche Scientifique Cnrs (France)
Panepistimio Thessalias (Greece)
Sabanci Universitesi (Turkey)
Malmo Universitet (Sweden)
Planerladen, Verein Zur Forderung Demokratischer Stadtplanung Und Stadtteilbezogender Gemeinwesenarbeit Ev (Germany)
ILS - Institut Fur Landes- Und Stadtentwicklungsforschung Ggmbh (Germany)
Molengeek (Belgium)