Project management stages



A projektmenedzsment szakaszai olyan alapvető lépések, amelyek segítenek rendszerezni és irányítani a projekteket a kezdeti ötlettől a sikeres lezárásig. Ezek a szakaszok biztosítják, hogy a célok világosak legyenek, a tervek jól kidolgozottak, a megvalósítás hatékony, és a folyamat során minden lépés ellenőrizhető legyen, miközben a tapasztalatok hasznos tanulságokat nyújtanak a jövőre nézve.

The stages of project management are as follows

  • Initiation: Defining the project's objectives and creating fundamental plans.
  • Planning: Establishing a detailed schedule, resources, budget, and tasks.
  • Execution: Implementing the plans and completing tasks.
  • Monitoring and Controlling: Tracking the project's progress and making corrections as necessary.
  • Closure: Completing the project, evaluating it, and summarizing the lessons learned.

These stages are important because they organize the processes and ensure the successful execution of the project. The initiative provides clear goals, while planning helps avoid mistakes and allocate resources efficiently. During execution, work is carried out according to the plans, while monitoring allows for the checking of progress and quick resolution of issues. Finally, closure draws lessons and ensures the project's official completion and evaluation.


You will see the stages of project management on a digital platform. You will also need to look at the concepts related to these stages, which you will find on a list.

Objective: Select the concepts that are essential for the successful execution of a project. You do not need to select every concept, just those that are truly important for the project's success.

Note: There may be concepts that are not included in the list but are also essential from a project management perspective.

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