
Project duration
Responsible for the project
Lippényi Dóra
Európai Menekültügyi Alap

The project aims to promote self-empowerment of refugees and internationally protected people and enable such persons to provide for themselves. Initial assitance, mobilizing community resources and tailor-made complex councelling are crucial for the succesful integration.

The social supporting center serves 250 clients/year in 1250 hours of councelling. The project provides grouped and community activities for families, male, female, minor refugees and beneficiaries of subsidiary protection (1600 hours, 3431 participants/year). Psychological aid is provided on individual needs for 6 persons/year. Job-seeking technicians and life management groups are organized (24-24 participants/year). Volunteers are involved in the project implementation (30 volunteers, 300 participants/year). 10 children have the possibility to participate in a summer camp

The provided services are gap-filling as there are no such services available in the national institutional system. Changes in the legal background could be mentioned as the risks of project.