(en) INVITATION TO CONFERENCE Equal Opportunities - Education - Labour Market Who is in charge? Presentation of MIPEX III

INVITATION TO CONFERENCE Equal Opportunities - Education - Labour Market Who is in charge? Conference & Presentation of the Migrant Integration Policy Index (MIPEX III) Migrant Integration Policy Index - MIPEX aims to improve integration policies for immigrants within the European Union through the creation of an index at European level, allowing and developing in-depth debates within the framework of integration. On the occasion of the launch of f MIPEX 2011, the British Council Hungary, Menedék Association, the Central European University and the British Embassy are organizing a conference, which aims to reflect on the Anti-Discrimination, Labour Market Mobility and Education policies affecting migrants in Hungary, highlighting main challenges for the future. TIME: 14th April, 2011 9.30-16.00 (Registration from 9.00) VENUE: Central European University, 1051 Budapest, Nádor u. 9. Auditorium Please, see the attached program for more details. The language of the event will be Hungarian with simultaneous English translations provided for the morning session and for the Labour Market Mobility session. Contact: Ágota Bíró, British Council E-mail: agota.biro@britishcouncil.hu Please, send the attached registration form to globaleurope@ceu.hu by 11 April.