Psycho-social support in Hungary

The goal of the project is to provide services that will help improve reception conditions and social integration, and also expand opportunities for refugees and beneficiaries of subsidiary protection arriving in Hungary.Moreover it aims to ensure a higher level of protection for children and to identify vulnerable persons and to secure access to local integration for those in need of international protection. 

Projekt időtartama
January 2018 – December 2018
Barbara Marosváry

The goal of the project is to provide services improving reception conditions and social integration, expanding opportunities of refugees and beneficiaries of subsidiary protection arriving in Hungary. Moreover it aims to ensure a higher level of protection for children and to identify vulnerable persons and to secure access to local integration for those in need of international protection. Based on past years’ experience we consider the integration of refugees and people with subsidiary protection as a complex psycho-social support activity. We believe that harmonizing the different support activities and implementing them in a flexible operational framework is crucial, thus we elaborated a complex social service system that utilizes a wide range of tools and techniques of social work in its various activities.

Our individual casework and social counselling in Budapest focuses on the individual needs and problems of refugees and beneficiaries of subsidiary protection. We provide intercultural mediation and general support in communications between refugees and authorities, employers, flat owners and utility companies in order to prevent or manage intercultural or language conflicts. We also provide legal counselling to refugees and beneficiaries of subsidiary protection. The focus of our work in this respect is labor market integration, which is enhanced by both individual and group activities, for instance teaching Hungarian language and culture, sports, thematic job-seeking workshops.

Our social workers, intercultural mediators and community workers visit the reception facility in Vámosszabadi on a weekly basis where they provide individual social counselling and organize group activities for children and adults as well.

We ensure daily presence in the Children’s Home in Fót, providing pre-enrolment and group activities, supporting children both to succeed in school and to integrate in their peer-group. Additionally, we provide individual mentoring to tackle specific needs.

To ensure the enrolment of all children in need of school education, we seek cooperation with schools and provide awareness-raising activities, intercultural knowledge and permanent support by our mentors and social workers to reach successful school integration. 

Project signal: HUN01/2018/0000000038/000
