
Projekt időtartama
Tímea Lovig
Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF)

On the 1st of January, 2017, we started a community project that focuses on the active integration of third-country nationals to the host society.

Providing the migrants and refugees with their most basic needs (accomodation, means of subsistence) is not the only prerequisite to a successful integration. In order to preserve good mental health, it is equally important that foreigners arriving in Hungary get a chance to call this place their home, a chance to get to know the customs and become an active member of the local community.
To achieve this, in this project we offer various group activities and community programs to help promote integration.

These events allow participants to meet and mingle with members of the majority society. By organizing group activities we hope to provide foreigners with the opportunity to gain the knowledge and skills that are necessary for getting along in the local environment.

Community broadcasting and posting on the blog increase the visibility of the third-country nationals. We set the goals of our drama group Integrációs színpad (Stage Integrity) together with the participants.

An essential part of our activities is the participants taking on an active role in the planning and organization of the groups. With this, they help pave the road to an inclusive community.

The programs included in this project not only support the participating migrants, but also give them a chance to meet with members of the host society. We believe that in the long run, this is key to fighting prejudices and establishing a tolerant society.

Our long-term goal is to create a community of socially active migrants whose members are able to act in cooperation with members of the majority society in a supporting, helpful manner, and are able to reflect on the social and political reality surrounding their community.