Improving the level of the common programmes to activate the refugees int he host stations

Projekt időtartama

1. January 2005- 31. October 2005 Total: 7.565.000 HUF In the frame of the project supported by the ERF, we organized cultural and free time programmes, which inspired people to spend the free time usefully and also to help the integration of the participants and to make their mental abilities stronger. Beyond the experiment to rise the activity of the occupant, we wanted to form a sort of togetherness in the members of the camps, to revise their competitiveness, to reduce hospitalization, and also to reform the view of the inhabitants in Debrecen, Bicske, and Békéscsaba.

With the help of the support, we could achieve the programmes in a more organized and higher level conditions. We could reach this through the new technical tools and the rise of the services ( for example, lending newspapers). Activities: The main point of the project was to organize and transform the five different types of the common programmes. Beyond the regular- holding children, women, film and sport clubs, they could participate in programmes outside of the camp. We could show films through the new technical tools such as: projectors, Dolby surround system etc. The participants could spend their free time usefully and we could try to change the negative view that the local population had towards the refugees.
Through these programmes the vocabulary of the women improved a lot and the children started to use Hungarian in a more grammatically correct form. In the trainings we tried to find solutions to the problems which were day-to-day in the refugee’s life. In the frame of the project, we could develop places in Csongrad for 22 children from Budapest, 14 children from Bicske, and 23 children from Debrecen to take part in the summer camp with sports programmes, group games, and swimming, where there was a really good chance for the children to use and improve their Hungarian knowledge.

The Effects of the project:
The social work with our customers became more effective and success-oriented. The common programmes helped to solve the problems which originated in the refugee’s life.
We took the participants into work, meaning in the transaction of the programmes and because of this, they became more self-supporting and it raises the fact that they can deal with these issues on their own.
They got information, opportunities which can help to raise their levels of happiness in Hungary (finding work and where to live).  The number of volunteers rose up in under 10 months and we can rely on them even after the closing of this project.