Competence development for asylum seekers

Projekt időtartama
Lippényi Dóra
Európai Menekültügyi Alap

The project’s goals are to extend reception-related services and to better their quality, to improve asylum seekers’ mental health state, to build communities and to boost children’s public education prospects.

The project targets men, women and children who live in the Debrecen Reception Center, and it incorporates the following activities:

1. Child development sessions for 7800 children

2. Psychological sessions for 800 children

3. Community building for 2400 participants 

4. A one-week summer camp for 10 asylum seeker children

We aim to help children to reach skill and competency levels required to enter the public education system and to succeed in it. In order to reach these goals, professionals partaking in the project focus on developing children’s key competencies (e.g. communication, mathematics, natural sciences, social skills, initiative taking, aesthetic consciousness, and expression).  We pay attention to developing important sub-skills that are necessary for learning (orientation in space, graphomotor skills, paying attention, memory…etc). We help children to work out psychological trauma. Opportunities are created to build relationships, to develop the right habits, to raise motivation levels, to gain confidence and to accept one’s identity.

When it comes to adults, we organize team activities that are meant to provide information on cultural life in Hungary, to help to improve social competencies that are expected of them by the host society, to obtain knowledge on health protection, to assist them in learning how to read and write, to develop and exercise existing competencies, to learn from each other, to practice multicultural teamwork, and to spend the waiting period productively. 
