Informative program on receiver stations and frontier guard’s cells

Projekt időtartama
Belügyminisztérium Országos Bűnmegelőzési Központ

Informative program for women who live in receiver stations, frontier guard’s cells and other private accomodations. The locality of the program: Budapest Deadline: April 2005- January 2006 The amount of support: 2. 330. 000 Ft Our program tries to forward the information for migrant women who live in Hungary-hereby reducing the likelihood to become victims by producing and strewing together informative brochures. These issues try to give more information in the field of health care, law, and becoming victims. The other aim is to help women who have problems with the Hungarian language and in communication because they also broke away from their home country, culture, and family.  Because of this fact, they use their native language and they get information about women’s issues in harder ways. The brochures are printed in English, Russian, Serbian and Romanian instead of Hungarian. Our association want to spread these issues in all hosted stations.