Inclusive kindergartens and schools

Project duration
Responsible for the project
Anna Medjesi
Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund

On the 1st of July 2016, we launched a new project “Inclusive kindergartens and schools.”

The aim of the project is to help the school integration of children and students with migrant background and to promote the prevention of their dropout. The project based on active cooperation with kindergartens, primary schools and secondary schools.

Project objectives:

• Offering individual mentoring for children with migrant background (language and curriculum development, intercultural sensitization) by volunteer mentors.

• Providing self-knowledge development group sessions for children with migrant background.

• Offering community development and sensitizing sessions in the participating kindergartens and schools.

• Organizing after-school programs for Hungarian and migrant children together.

• Providing teacher forums in the partner institutions to share experiences and offering experts’ lectures on educating migrant children.

• Creating a parenting brochure in cooperation with the participating teachers and translate it to seven languages​​ in order to help parents obtain all information on the Hungarian education system and the partner institutions.

• Fostering communication between parents and teachers supported by intercultural mediators and interpreters.

• Offering day car camps and residential camps for children in summer.

Partners in the project implementation:  Kőbányai Rece-fice and Mocorgó Nursary, Bem József Primary School, Bókay János Vocational School - Budapest Hospitality Training Centre and ELTE PPK Institute for Intercultural Psychology and Pedagogy.

The implementation of the project is helped by volunteers.

Information: Anna Medjesi +36 1 322 1502, +36 20 217 54 38;